Post-Construction Cleanup

Bringing Your Space to Shine After Construction Time.

Seamless Transitions With
Post-Construction  Cleanup

Welcome to Brad Cleaning’s Residential Cleaning

Congratulations on completing your construction project! Now, it’s time to ensure your newly built or renovated space is ready for occupancy and presentation. Post-construction cleanup is a crucial step in the process, and our expert team is here to make it seamless for you.

We understand that a clean and safe environment is essential for the success and satisfaction of your clients and occupants. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to delivering the highest standard of post-construction cleaning services. We take pride in our work and are ready to transform your construction site into a spotless, safe, and inviting space.

Post-Construction Cleanup Services

  • Initial Cleaning: Before the final touches, our team will perform an initial cleaning to remove larger debris, dust, and construction materials. This step prepares the space for more detailed cleaning.
  • Dust and Debris Removal: We thoroughly eliminate all dust and dirt, including those that are tucked away in difficult-to-reach places. Our modern equipment guarantees that no area is left.
  • Surface Cleaning: All surfaces, including floors, walls, and ceilings, are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. We tailor our cleaning methods to suit the specific needs of your space, whether it’s a commercial building, residential property, or industrial facility.
Perks Of Our Services
  • Comprehensive Cleaning Experience: Our building and rubble clean-up services are beneficial to anyone constructing or remodeling a property. We have expertise and experience in working with construction firms, remodeling businesses, and new and old homeowners. 
  • Customized Cleaning Schedules: We are aware that every property, newly built or remodeled has different cleaning requirements. To develop a tailored cleaning strategy that adheres to your particular needs, timing, and specifications, we work directly with you.
  • Efficiency in time: Cleaning a construction site can be time-consuming but we make this easy as we have the right expertise and experience. We’re here to help you as we consider our customers as our family. Our cleaning staff works quickly and effectively to finish cleaning the post-construction debris. 
  • Detailed Cleaning Services: We offer a wide range of post-construction cleaning services, including surface sanitization. This guarantees that your newly built house is clean and safe.